Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
Text File
95 lines
Docs for
Operation Spraunce
Viewing From: The Control Deck
R -> Reverses ships engines
F -> Ship engines turn foward
P -> Full Power (100% speed)
0-9 -> Speed (0 slowest / 9 fastest)
F-10 -> Right rear view
F-9 -> Right side view
F-8 -> Foward view
F-7 -> Left side view
F-6 -> Left rear view
F-3 -> Radar
F-2 -> Bridge monitor
F-1 -> Tactical area display
From: The Bridge Monitor
N -> Navstar
C -> Constar
G -> Launch chaff
F -> Launch flare
D -> Load decoy / followed by F-5 to launch decoy
F-4 -> Damage report
From: Constar
Constar -> This will activate your strategic satellite to locate
enemy targets and give you information concerning:
Identification / Speed / Heading / Altitude
From: Navstar
1 -> Surveillance Map - will display the entire gulf as well as show
you the weather / ships / jets
submarines /bases and you current postion.
2 -> Regional Depth Map -> shows your current position and displays
the waters depths around you.
From: The Tactical Area Display
spacebar -> Switches lock-on from boat to boat.
B,N,& M -> Map Zoom Features (B - zoom in / N - zoom center / M-zoom out)
The following keys can be used once there is a lock-on (spacebar) upon your
C -> Computer image lock-on display (press F-1 to exit)
T -> Tactical lock-on
H -> Fires Harpoon
G -> Fires 45 Mil Guns
S -> Fires Sparrow Missles
R -> Fires Asrocs
Some Helpful Hints
To keep from running ground follow the Green Buoys till you reach the White
Buoys. Anything under 10 on your depth scale you'll be running ground. It
will take you about 18 minutes to reach the white buoy!
Keep track of your Constar, Surveillance Map, and Tactical Area Display. If
any of these gets knocked-out after a battle you'll be in bad shape.
If you decide to complete the scenario set aside at least 4 hours and 30
minutes actual time. Its a LOOOOONNGGGG simulation! The game can't be saved
unless you complete or die in the scenario.
In your first scenario the base to reach is the base nearest the one you
started from. Check your Surveillance Map to find out how far you have to
go. You must destroy ALL the enemy targets that Constar lists. It isn't
until that time that you will be able to enter the new base and complete
your scenario successfully.
typed by: Time-X